Who contacts personal hygiene?

As far as wastewater treatment is concerned, there are two possibilities for you to choose: personal hygiene and collective hygiene. Of these two, you should automatically apply one.

If you are not connected to the sewer support network, you are obliged to establish a personal hygiene system to collect, treat and dispose of dirty water. But, who should I contact for this purpose? Find the answer in this article.

First of all, what exactly is personal hygiene?

This is a wastewater treatment or discharge facility that is not « connected to the main sewer. » In other words, this device is not connected to the municipal network. Still known by the acronym « ANC », which means non-collective sanitation.

Therefore, ANC is a system that can operate automatically to collect, treat, and drain dirty water from the consumption of households, buildings, or houses that cannot be provided by the municipality network.

In fact, there are two types of personal hygiene:

  • Autonomous hygiene: This is a completely isolated system, usually covering only one house.
  • Semi-collective sanitation: Although it is not connected to the municipal network, it is a general evacuation device installed in a group of isolated houses in the same department.

To whom is this alternative product available?

First of all, for people who cannot choose collective sanitation facilities for some reason.

This is usually the case for those whose home is not connected to the municipal network. In this case, the 2006 law on water and aquatic environment stipulates that they must be equipped with traditional channels (infiltration, pits, etc.) or approved channels (planted filters, micro-stations, etc.).

Then there are owners whose resident equivalent (PE) is less than 20

First of all, please note that EH will report the possible capacity of the house, not the number of people in the house. In this sense, please refer to Article R. 111-1-1 of the Building and Housing Code.

If the municipal network cannot provide them with services, the law authorizes the ANC to resort to such habitat as an obligation in this case. However, if the PE is greater than 20, in this case, they must move towards semi-collective sanitation.

Who should I contact when installing a personal hygiene system?

The design and implementation of individual health systems should be carried out by professionals. This work must and must be undertaken by experienced experts, especially because the equipment must be installed in accordance with the strictest standards and regulations approved by the French Parliament.

Therefore, we recommend that you contact SPANC (public non-collective health service) before taking any initiative so that it can verify your health program. This public service ensures follow-up actions from design to implementation.

SPANC will act as a secular arm for you in the following ways:

  • technical consulting;
  • Control the consistency of your installation;
  • Mandatory control tasks during the project;
  • Regular inspections after accepting the job

Please contact the General Council or City Hall for information about the SPANC in charge of the place of residence.

Finally, please note that the cost of installing a single sanitation system is very high, and it is best to inform upstream to avoid any inconvenience after the work starts.