How to identify the Asian wasp?

A real plague for beekeepers, Asian hornets are constantly hunted down and extinct. In addition to reading this article, we also recommend that you get an Asian Hornet capture tool. Often confused with the European hornet, these social hymenoptera have easily recognizable characteristics. To help you identify them, the following are their characteristics.

Asian wasp: shape and color

The Asian Hornet is smaller than the European Hornet. None of the castes of these species are as impressive as their European cousins. In fact, the size of the worker Vespa Velutina is between 1.7 and 2.6 cm, while the size of the European Hornet is between 1.9 and 3 cm. As for the queen, the measurements are between 2.4 and 3.2 cm.

You can also identify them by darker colors. The body of the Asian Hornet is black with brown accents. No other wasp species has this characteristic. Its face is orange-yellow, and you can also observe it on the abdomen.

The ends of the legs of these hornets are yellow, not pure brown like the European hornet. The hind legs of the Chinese Hornet are also longer. This will make it easier for you to observe the two-step color of your legs while flying.

Identify them by the nest

The Asian Hornet is also unique because of its habitat. Like all wasps, they build nests to establish themselves and lay eggs. This one is smaller than other Hymenoptera. In fact, its diameter is between 10 and 40 cm. Its average size is comparable to that of an orange.

The scaly appearance of the Asian hornet honeycomb is easy to recognize. It is a gray with a lighter undertone. For people with short stature, the opening is in the center of the bottom. As for the larger one, it is located in the lower right corner.

Unlike European hornet hives, Asian hornet hives are exposed to light. Therefore, due to the above features, you will be able to observe and recognize them more easily. They are usually located at high places, perching on trees 3 m above the ground.

Aggressive behavior

Another difference from the European Hornet is that the Asian Hornet is very aggressive. They prey on anyone they think is a threat to their lair and themselves. In addition, multiple injections can be fatal to humans. If you are allergic to it, you must keep your distance.

This bumblebee is also considered a threat to bees. In fact, they looted the hives and destroyed the colonies there. Because of the threat to these pollinators, the Asian wasp is at the core of the extinction plan.

Finally, you can distinguish them by grouping attacks. The European Hornet will only attack and defend alone when it is truly threatened, while its Asian cousins ​​attack in groups of at least three.

Thanks to the previous information, you will be able to identify the Asian Hornet more easily. If you find a cell nearby, please notify the city hall immediately. Due to their dangerous nature, it is best not to hunt them alone.