How to calculate the area of ​​a triangle?

A triangle is a geometric figure, specifically a polygon with three sides. Every triangle has a vertex, which is where two sides of the triangle meet. The vertex is associated with the base on the opposite side. This base is also associated with a height which is perpendicular to the base and passes through the top.

All of these yield different possible measurements, including side lengths, angles (in all cases, the sum of the interior angles of a triangle equals 180 degrees), perimeter, height, or measurements of the surface or area of ​​a triangle. For now, we will focus on the area of ​​the triangle. How to calculate it?

several methods

Indeed, there are several ways to calculate the area of ​​a triangle. In the latter we have the classical formula A = bxh / 2, where A = area, b = base of i, h = height. So it is necessary to know how to distinguish the bottom from the high. Typically, the base of a triangle corresponds to the side it is on. Since the base of a triangle can be one of the three sides, it is often specified in the presentations of the subjects students are dealing with.

In any case, there can only be one high and one bottom. Maybe you will say that this is not the case for equilateral triangles. As a reminder, an equilateral triangle is a triangle with three sides of equal length and three equal angles of 60°. In other words, there can be three of the same base and three of the same height, but in the end there will always be only one base and one height.

Still in general, the height of a triangle is the length of the line perpendicular to the base connecting the vertices of the triangle (this line is not originally in the triangle, but you will draw it to measure the height). Note that in obtuse triangles, obtuse triangles, or In the case of a double-sided triangle, one of the angles is greater than 90°, the line should not be drawn inside the triangle, but outside it. It must always be perpendicular to the base, but will therefore start at the top, to join the continuity of the base (not shown in the diagram).

But if you don’t want to bother with these ground and height layers, then you can still use another calculation formula, the so-called Heron’s formula, with which it is enough to know the lengths of the three sides of the triangle. By adding these lengths (a+b+c), you get the perimeter of the triangle (p). The area of ​​the triangle (A) then corresponds to the square root of p (p – a) (p – b) (p – c) / 16.


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