How does the ACCRE device work?

Starting your own business is an ambitious project. However, before starting, the necessary funds must be available. When a job seeker becomes an entrepreneur, he remains financially vulnerable. The ACCRE system is to provide specific help for such new entrepreneurs. You may have heard of this help and want to know more? Here we provide you with all the information on this topic.

Learn more about ACCRE

By definition, l’accre: assistance for unemployed entrepreneurs or buyers means a Means of reducing or partially waiving social charges for beneficiaries. As a general rule, the exemption period is one year. It includes social contributions for maternity, health insurance, disability, death, basic pension, family benefits and widowhood insurance. On the other hand, supplementary pensions and CGS-CRDS exempt exemptions as well as professional training and work accidents.

Why are you interested in ACCRE?

ACCRE benefits companies and individual businessesExemption from social fees for one year. For microenterprises, this period can be up to three years. In addition, social contributions deducted from turnover are reduced regardless of the company’s profile. so, ACCRE provides good opportunities for new entrepreneurs to start their business.


The ACCRE system is designed to People who want to start or take over a business. ACCRE does not discriminate in the choice of sector of activity or form of structure. However, several other requirements must be met to be eligible.

Among the potential beneficiaries of the ACCRE program we can cite the following examples:

  • Unemployed persons who receive or may receive benefits.
  • Job seekers who are not compensated and who have been registered with Pôle Emploi for at least six months and the past 18 months.
  • beneficiaries of ASS (Specific Solidarity Allowance) or RSA (Active Solidarity Income).
  • Young people aged 18 to 25.
  • People layoffs from struggling companies, who will resume activity.
  • ETC.

In the case of a company, certain conditions must also be met. Learn more about ACCRE eligibility requirementsyou can visit the website

Changes from January 1, 2019

Effective January 1, 2019, ACCRE has changed its name to ACRE or Aid to business creators and buyers. All of the latter are eligible for exempt contributions. The nature of the aid has not changed. However, to be able to benefit from ACRE, you must not have benefited from ACCRE in the three years preceding your application. On this site, you’ll learn more about the eligibility criteria and implementation procedures for this new system.

If you are planning to start your own business, then this solution will be a great help. Obtaining it will allow you to set up your project in optimal conditions.