How to install the first beehive?

Since beekeeping is currently a very successful activity, everyone is scrambling to keep bees. A garden or a larger space can only accommodate bees, and bees must grow the hive, which must be completed in accordance with the existing technology. As entertainment or professional beekeeping, the installation of these artificial shelters follows the instructions.

Installation of the first beehive, instructions for use

On these sites, online stores provide beekeeping materials suitable for beginners. Some stores can also buy it. It is best to buy new and approved equipment. The choice of location is critical because there are regulations governing this activity. Please note that the raised installation ensures good ventilation.

Each element must be placed carefully, as the kits sold in special beekeeping shops are fully explained. The beehive shall consist of a frame, an upper cover, a frame cover, the entrance of the beehive, the cockpit and the roof. Normally, you don’t need a professional to edit, especially because there are some video tips that provide self-explanatory tutorials. After assembly, you can now buy bees. This can be done by buying beehives or beekeepers who have already started operations.

Know everything about bees

Beekeeping is not an impromptu activity, it requires a certain amount of concepts and knowledge. Before practicing, it is best to tell yourself the basics of this activity. Training is even necessary to become a professional. The website can provide you with some information about bees, their world, and especially their reproduction.

Then, you can learn about the life of bees by consulting certain blogs, beekeeper’s websites. Many places have articles about the installation of beehives, the rearing of beehives, the proper materials for the first hive, and the dangers that threaten them. The community even has a platform for exchanging experiences or suggestions.

Honey harvest, reward

For those who are installing the first beehive, it is strongly recommended that you use the above suggestions. Of course, beekeeping will be a responsible behavior for biodiversity and the protection of the earth and the environment. But the most important thing is to collect honey. A beehive can produce 40 kilograms of honey a year, which will ensure very easy domestic consumption.

New operators in this industry often want to know how to harvest honey. Then know that this is not a trivial activity that can be done immediately. Extracting honey from beehives is an art. Then it is necessary to choose a suitable harvest time. You must equip yourself with equipment to protect yourself to use the necessary materials, that is, smokers. If a professional uses a honey extractor for harvesting, it can be done manually using a large barrel. The filtering and packaging in the jar will be based on the actual harvest.