How to calculate percentage?

Percentages are mathematical symbols we often encounter in our daily life: price cuts, test success rates, quantities, etc. The symbol % is used to indicate a proportional relationship or the relationship between two numbers. In fact, a percentage is the expression of a number such as a percentage, and it can also be expressed by … Lire la suite

How do bees make honey and beeswax?

Honey bees are versatile insects as they provide pollination, nectar and wax production simultaneously. You should know that bees make honey and wax in their hives (in trees or in hives). bees produce honey The honey making process begins with foraging. Each bee then feeds on the nectar or honeydew. The first substance is produced … Lire la suite

How to calculate the area of ​​a triangle?

A triangle is a geometric figure, specifically a polygon with three sides. Every triangle has a vertex, which is where two sides of the triangle meet. The vertex is associated with the base on the opposite side. This base is also associated with a height which is perpendicular to the base and passes through the … Lire la suite

How to calculate the percentage?

Percentage is a mathematical symbol that we often encounter in our daily lives: price reduction, passing rate, quantity, etc. The symbol% ​​is used to indicate the ratio or even the ratio between two numbers. In fact, percentage is a numerical representation, such as percentage, can also be expressed by the abbreviation pc. To avoid misleading … Lire la suite

How do bees make honey and wax?

Bees are multifunctional insects because they can simultaneously provide pollination, honey production and wax making functions. You should know that bees produce honey and wax in a honeycomb (on a tree or in a beehive). Bees making honey The process of making honey starts with foraging for food. Then, each bee will suck nectar or … Lire la suite

How to calculate the area of ​​a triangle?

Triangles are geometric figures, especially polygons with three sides. Every triangle has a vertex, which is the intersection of the two sides of the triangle. This vertex is associated with the base on the opposite side. The base also has a height that is perpendicular to the base and passes through the top. All of … Lire la suite