How do I change my address?

A change of address is an essential step when moving. Even if you still have a lot to prepare before your big departure, you should consider terminating your contract and notifying certain organizations of this change of address. To ease your task, here are some simple tips on how to handle your change of address.

3 months before address change

If you are planning to buy a new apartment in Toulouse, you must take into account the fact that you will no longer be living in your house. Therefore, if you are renting an apartment, be sure to notify the owner at least 3 months before you leave. This way, together, you can foresee the day when you take stock of your fixtures. On the other hand, if you are a property owner, it is imperative that you let the co-ownership group know about your moving project. During this time, you must cancel your telephone contract and notify your employer that you are changing your address so he can put your new address on your pay stubs.

15 days before departure

Now is the time to communicate your new address to some third parties. Don’t forget to protect against multiple organizations like banks, different kinds of insurance, etc. There will also be a need to terminate various contracts similar to this old address, be it electricity, gas or internet box contracts. You must contact the water utility to have them activate the service that was terminated due to the change of address. Also notify the post office that you are moving so that you can receive mail at your new home.

what to do after moving

Overwhelmed with the various tasks associated with your move, you might forget to notify certain organizations. Therefore, please check whether the Family Allowance Fund, the Basic Health Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund, the Tax Center, the Pôle Emploi, the Vehicle Registration System have been notified. It’s important that you stay in good standing with Social Security, taxes, and retirement. For gray cards, the change of address must appear there in case you are subject to an inspection.

These steps can be done online. All you have to do is visit the website. This can be done between 3 months before and 3 months after the move. This is a very useful service that can help you with all change of address formalities! He will therefore be responsible for notifying Pôle Emploi, all social security and pension funds, tax services. You also don’t have to worry about your car registration. If you have children aged 16 to 25, you need to contact the National Service Centre. In this modification, you must also keep your doctor informed and find another doctor in your town or region.

Stay connected even if you change address

In order for others such as your bank, car insurance, mutual insurance, your newspaper subscription, telephone operators, family and friends to continue to contact you, they must be notified of the change of address. So send the letter online from your computer or order stamps and have the letter mailed to where you inform the new address.