How to calculate percentage?

Percentages are mathematical symbols we often encounter in our daily life: price cuts, test success rates, quantities, etc. The symbol % is used to indicate a proportional relationship or the relationship between two numbers. In fact, a percentage is the expression of a number such as a percentage, and it can also be expressed by the abbreviation pc. In order not to mislead you when you see the percentage, the calculation method of the percentage is introduced below.

Calculation method of percentage

– Percentages can be used to determine the proportion of an object in a whole. For example, suppose you need to determine the percentage of male students in a class. The data is as follows: There are 30 students in a class, and there are 18 boys. To know the percentage of boys, you must first calculate the ratio 18/30, which is 0.6. This result must then be multiplied by 100, giving a result of 60. In other words, there are 60% boys in the class.

– If you are asked to calculate percentages based on the following data: In the sixth grade class, 2/5 of the students are girls. The calculation is as follows: 2/5 gives 0.4. Multiplying this result by 100 leads to the conclusion that 40% of the students in grade 6 are girls.

– If the scale that must be used to calculate the percentage is expressed as a decimal (eg: 0.36), simply move the decimal point two places to the right to obtain the percentage. In our example, the result was 36%.

– Percentage calculations can also be based on the idea that you need to represent numbers as parts of a whole. Therefore, you have to consider the whole equal to 100%. For example, suppose that in a class of 15 students, 3 students fail an exam. This means that 3/15 x 100% = 20% of the students failed and 80% of the students passed the exam.

Note that the 25% discount on an item worth €125 means that you will subtract (25 x 125) / 100 = €31.25 from the displayed price. Then you have to pay 125 – 31.25 = 93.75 EUR. On the other hand, if the seller tells you that the price of an item worth 85 EUR has increased by 30%, this means that you will have added (30*85)/100 = 25.5 EUR to the old price. Equivalent to 85 + 25.5 = 110.5 euros.