How to calculate the percentage?

Percentage is a mathematical symbol that we often encounter in our daily lives: price reduction, passing rate, quantity, etc. The symbol% ​​is used to indicate the ratio or even the ratio between two numbers. In fact, percentage is a numerical representation, such as percentage, can also be expressed by the abbreviation pc. To avoid misleading you when encountering a percentage number, here is how to calculate the percentage.

Method of calculating percentage

-Percentage can be used to determine the proportion of objects in the collection. For example, suppose you need to determine the percentage of boys in a class. The data is as follows: There are 18 boys out of 30 students in each class. To know the percentage of boys, we must first calculate the ratio of 18/30 to get 0.6. This result must then be multiplied by 100 to get the result 60. In other words, there are 60% boys in the class.

-If you are asked to calculate the percentage based on the following data: In the 6th grade class, 2/5 of the students are girls. The calculation will proceed as follows: 2/5 gives 0.4. By multiplying the result by 100, you can conclude that 40% of the sixth grade students are girls.

-If the ratio used to calculate the percentage is expressed as a decimal number (for example: 0.36), you only need to move the decimal point two lines to the right to get the percentage. In our example, the result is 36%.

-Percentage calculations can also be based on the following idea: You must represent the number as part of the set. Therefore, you must consider that the whole is equal to 100%. For example, suppose that in a class of 15 students, 3 failed exams. This means that 3/15 x 100% = 20% of the students failed, and 80% of the students passed the exam.

Please note that there is a 25% discount on an item worth 125 Euros, which means you will subtract (25 x 125) / 100 = 31.25 Euros from the displayed price. Then, you must pay 125-31.25 = 93.75 Euros. On the other hand, if the seller tells you that the price of the item (valued at 85 euros) shows a 30% increase, it means that you will add (30 * 85) / 100 = 25.50 euros to the original price. This is equivalent to 85 + 25.5 = 110.5 Euros.