How to eat persimmons?

Persimmon is one of the most delicious fruits. You just need to know how and when to consume it and you won’t be disappointed. Many people don’t like this kind of fruit because their first experience is not very delicate. To avoid putting yourself in the same basket, here is the method.

Khaki type recognition

Persimmon is a fruit that can be found all over the world. Before tasting, you must first confirm whether it is sweet or astringent persimmon. Generally speaking, sweet persimmons are shaped like tomatoes and are also called « Fuyu » in the West. They have the orange of the setting sun. Astringent persimmons have an acorn shape commonly called « hach​​​iya ». Each type of persimmon has its own way of tasting, so it deserves to be appreciated.

Enjoy sweet persimmons

This type of persimmon is very delicious when eaten when it is hard and very orange. It will be more delicious if mature. In other words, the more orange, the more delicious the taste. In order not to disappoint, avoid eating sweet green persimmons.

Eat persimmon

In order to be able to appreciate the true value of astringent persimmons, it is necessary to wait for mature persimmons, or even liquid persimmons. If you taste it too early, you can be 100% sure that you want to vomit. Its astringency will embellish your mouth and is difficult to remove. However, if you have a bad experience, please eat something else immediately, and then drink something hot to eliminate the bad feeling.

What else to know

If your persimmon is still very hard, you can eat the edible peel and bite into the pulp directly. However, if it is already very soft, is called a very ripe persimmon or is too ripe, it is best to consume it with a teaspoon. For this reason, please don’t forget to wipe your skin under the cold water from the tap to cleanse it. Then remove the leaves and cut the fruit into quarters. Then taste.

If they are mature, you can find seeds there. Be careful not to swallow them. To make the taste better, it is recommended to add lemon juice, cream or even sugar. Various original recipes can also be searched in thousands of sites. It is up to you to find ideas to help you.

Persimmons usually mature in the open air for 7 to 10 days. If you want to rush to eat persimmons when they are not yet fully ripe, you can accelerate the ripening of persimmons. To do this, you just need to store it in an airtight container, and then add apples, pears or bananas to avoid rot. Another method is to put it in a paper bag and add a few drops of rum or spirits to its leaves.