How to educate children without yelling? this is possible!

Parents sometimes have a hard time admitting that children can be taught without yelling. If you don’t work hard to break this bad habit, you will keep thinking this way. You might be wondering how to get the right education without raising your voice. Browse through this article and you will get the answer.

determine your needs

First, it’s important to ask yourself one question: What are my needs? After you’ve identified your needs, you’ll be able to explain to your child what you expect of him. That way, you don’t have to scream to get something from him. In this way, you will enjoy the calm and a peaceful relationship will be restored.

From today, avoid using expressions like: « You didn’t tidy the room! » Tell him that a healthy environment is impossible without an untidy room, and you can also stop saying « You don’t listen to anything! » », you just have to Tell him that you don’t feel heard when you talk to him.

Avoid constantly raising your voice

As parents, it’s perfectly normal to seek the best for our children. However, when things don’t go as planned, we tend to use an inappropriate tone, which can trigger a defensive or defensive response in our child or teen. So, change your tone and make your child more receptive to your message.

Stop exaggerating the problem and complicating the situation

Most parents are in the habit of dramatizing problems in certain situations and often say, « I’ve told you 100 times and it’s always the same, you’ll never do what I ask you to, you won’t listen to anything, ETC. ». These representations do not necessarily represent reality. Therefore, try not to say untrue words or exaggerate the seriousness of the situation by using the correct words.

Educate your child without making noise: give him a little freedom

Knowing how to let go in certain situations will help you parent your children well without having to yell at them. Focus on what matters. Always remember that your child makes mistakes just like you. So learn to tone down your demands in certain areas so you can focus on what matters most and keep your family functioning.

Describe in detail what is required of the child

Knowing how to be specific about what you want is important, especially if your child is having trouble understanding what you expect of them. Don’t hesitate to take the time to explain all your expectations in detail. To avoid screaming, make sure your child or teen understands the message.

There are many ways to teach your child without yelling. For example, instead of ordering him to tidy up the room, you can explicitly ask him to put books on the shelf, pencils in the pencil case, and all his toys in the trunk. Therefore, he will obey easily because he knows what he has to do.