How to help young people find their way?

As a parent and educator, your task is to support your child in the career guidance process. Unfortunately, the reality is completely different. It is not easy to help a young person or teenager find his or her way. You must consider several parameters, ask the right questions, analyze your child’s skills… and be familiar with the reality of the school. To help you, here are some practical tips.

Ask yourself the right guiding questions

you must Analyze behaviors and skills objectively Your child is ambitious, eager, young and can still learn, but it is important to have an objective view of his skills. Otherwise, under the influence of your love, you may inadvertently hinder your child’s school career, whether it is to plunge yourself into his or her life or keep him in trouble. What is his passion? His dreams and interests? Will he develop specific skills or unique talents? Is he a persistent type or is he poking?

As a coach, you must also ask yourself the right questions about yourself.This short introspection Allows you to determine your purpose and actual role in the process.Orientation, And then your child’s profession. How do you dream of your child’s professional future? Do you want them to be independent and autonomous? Do you want him to succeed in society and earn more money than you?

In either case, the list of questions is not exhaustive.

Everything is learned

In order to help and support your child’s professional development, you must attach great importance to learning. caveat! Here, it’s not just about studying or finding problems with specific occupations. Theoretical and practical knowledge is insufficient for professional development.It’s your responsibility to instill in him Attitudes and behaviors to be adopted in the workplace.

To help your child find his way, you need Learn to make choices. Therefore, it will gain autonomy and stability. Remember, during this process, you must keep in mind that you are playing the role of coach and consultant.Under no circumstances should you impose Any decisions about your child.This learning process It will also enable your child to develop his own introspective skills and positive thinking.These tools will prove to be Self-confidence.

Open children to the professional world

If children or young people are locked in their own room, under no circumstances will they be able to discover their professional world. Of course, the Internet has opened up many horizons.But the information he provided is not enough to find his way, nor can he be Exposure to the reality of the professional field And teamwork spirit. However, this process must be completed gradually. For example, you can take your child to the office to get acquainted with the environment and the behaviors he should take.You will also make him aware Important issues in professional life Especially once he has embarked on the path he chose, what is waiting for him.

As a parent, you must also support your child’s choices during difficult times and difficult times.