How to invest in artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has long gone beyond the scope of science fiction. It interferes with our daily lives through self-driving cars, robotics, intelligent personal assistants and facial recognition. Its huge potential makes it one of the major trends in investment. The following are some investment ideas for artificial intelligence investment.

What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

According to Lee Minsky, one of the creators of AI, this is about building computer programs to perform tasks that are more satisfying for humans today because they require high-level mental processes such as perceptual learning, critical reasoning, and the organization of memory.

In other words, artificial intelligence (AI) refers to technologies that have the following functions: Understand their environment And make a decision from them so that Simulated intelligence.

Currently, one of the main trends in the subject is Deep learning, He himself comes from Machine learning. AI algorithms based on this concept can be used in conjunction with artificial neural networks, and they need to be nourished in the form of learning and training. For this, they use a lot of data. The development of computing technology in the field of data collection and analysis (often referred to as « big data ») has made the development of these programs more intelligent. They can study independently and have high computational skills. This makes mining data easier and cheaper, which is good news for those who want to start investing in artificial intelligence.

Investing in AI: what to do?

Now that you have a general understanding of what AI is, let’s take a look at how investments in this area work.

Buy stocks in tech giants

There are several ways to invest in artificial intelligence, but the most straightforward way is to buy stocks in tech giants such as Alphabet (Google), Nvidia and even Amazon. Some French tech giants are also an interesting choice In terms of investment: for example, Critéo (specializing in advertising positioning for listing on the New York Stock Exchange) or CapGemini, an IT service company expert. We can also mention SenseTime and its specialization in facial and image recognition, the company successfully raised $410 million in funding in July.

Buy stocks of companies that provide AI information

For those who are unwilling to buy stocks in companies that develop AI or want to make additional investments, you can buy stocks from hardware manufacturers.

In this area, we can cite the large NVIDIA company, which specializes in the production of electronic chips and GPUs for video games. Driverless cars also use these chips to quickly visualize and analyze their environment, and Facebook uses the same processor for facial recognition. and so, NVIDIA has made huge sales And the demand for GPUs is expected to increase greatly in the next few years. These investment prospects in AI are encouraging, especially according to NVIDIA data, by 2023, the data center server industry alone may reach a huge sum of US$50 billion.