How to maintain the rolling door?

In order to maintain the brilliance and proper function of roller blinds, regular and effective maintenance is essential. Over time, your blinds may creak, accumulate dirt and discolor. In order to extend the installation life, you need to take correct measures and observe the necessary maintenance frequency. Please note that the method depends on whether your blinds are PVC, aluminum or other materials.

How to maintain PVC rolling door?

Blinds are currently very effective and reliable.However, they are not Not affected by time Given that they are constantly suffering from severe weather, pollution, dust and other external aggressions. It is recommended to perform maintenance work every three months. In storms and other severe weather, thorough cleaning is also recommended.

In order to ensure the quality and efficiency of maintenance, Use a company that specializes in roller shutters and blinds. You can visit the website to contact professionals and get a quote. On the other hand, you do not have to wait for the intervention of professionals to maintain the rolling door every day.

For example, you can clean them with sponges and soapy water. To make the blinds brighter, add a little white vinegar to the rinse water. Take care to thoroughly clean the apron and each blade. However, please avoid using karcher or similar devices.Also check No foreign objects stuck behind the scenes. This will interfere with the rise and fall of the apron.

How to maintain aluminum shutters?

Aluminum is a very corrosion-resistant material. However, it is sensitive to bad weather and will wear out over time like any other material.To use the rolling door for a long time, you need Clean the blade regularly. The same goes for components including wings and breasts. If you live in an area with bad weather, make sure to repair aluminum shutters at least twice a year.

If you live in the south, maintenance once a year is sufficient Preserve aesthetics and proper function Your facilities. For cleaning, use a sponge soaked in water and dishwashing liquid. You can also use soap, but avoid aggressive and corrosive products to avoid damaging the blades and other components of the shutters. Then rinse with clean water, and then gently wipe the blade with a soft cloth. After cleaning the blades, check the sliding of the steering wheel and make sure that no foreign objects enter it.

If you hear a squeak, check where the noise is coming from. Since the rolling door does not contain many parts, you can easily find the origin of the squeak. Then remove the shutters and carefully clean the squeaky parts.Squeak ok The result of dust accumulation Or bad timing.