Who to contact for personal hygiene?

When it comes to wastewater treatment, you have two options: individual sanitation and collective sanitation. Of the two, you should automatically apply one.

If you are not connected to a sewer network, it is your obligation to establish a personal sanitation system to collect, treat and dispose of dirty water. But who to contact for this purpose? Find out in this article.

1. What exactly is personal hygiene?

This is a device used to purify or discharge waste water that is not « connected to the main drainage system ». In other words, this device is not connected to a public network. It is still known by the acronym « ANC », which means non-collective sanitation facility.

Thus, ANC is a self-contained system for collecting, treating and evacuating sewage from a home, building or group of dwellings not served by your city’s mains network.

There are actually two types of personal hygiene facilities:

  • Autonomous Sanitation: This is a completely isolated system, usually covering only one house.
  • Semi-collective sanitation: Although not connected to the municipal network, it serves as a public evacuation device for a group of isolated dwellings installed in the same sector.

Who is this alternative offered to in particular?

The first is those who for some reason cannot choose communal sanitation facilities.

This is often the case for those whose homes are not connected to the municipal network. In this case, the Water and Water Environment Act 2006 stipulates that they must be equipped with conventional channels (infiltration, pits, etc.) or approved channels (planted filters, micro-stations, etc.).

Next, owners with a Population Equivalent (PE) below 20

Note from the outset that EH considers the likely capacity of a home, not the number of people living there. In this sense, Article R. 111-1-1 of the Building and Housing Code.

If the municipal network is unable to serve them, the law authorizes and obliges such habitats to use ANC in such cases. However, if the PE is greater than 20, in this case they must move to a semi-communal sanitation facility.

Who should I contact for installing a personal hygiene system?

The design and installation of personal hygiene systems must be done by professionals. This work must and must be carried out by certified experts, especially since the installation of the equipment must be carried out in accordance with the strictest standards and regulations proposed by the Générale d’Assainissement.

Therefore, we recommend that you contact SPANC (Public Service for Non-Collective Health) before taking any action so that it can verify your health program. This public service ensures follow-up from design to implementation.

SPANC will serve as your secular institution in particular by:

  • technical consulting;
  • Check the compliance of the installation;
  • Mandatory control tasks during project execution;
  • And check regularly after acceptance

Contact the General Council or your town hall for information about the competent SPANC where you live.

Finally, be aware that the cost of installing a personal hygiene system can be quite high and it is best to know this beforehand so as not to cause any inconvenience once the work has begun.